2024-25 Dress Code
Proper school attire promotes self-respect and a positive school attitude. Students should wear clothing that is clean, neat, modest and suitable for the activity and the season. Because clothing is part of the school environment, we expect our dress code to contribute to an ambience conducive to learning

School Dress Code/Uniform Policy
We are honored and privileged at Deland Preparatory Academy to have uniforms. All students are required to wear the school designated attire. Only articles of clothing that are part of the Deland Prep uniform can be worn. The uniform ensemble must be worn while on campus. All students will wear the following items that can be purchased from Deland Preparatory Academy.
White Oxford Shirt: Buttoned from bottom to top button, tucked in neatly. No long sleeved, colored garments should be worn under the shirts. All undershirts should be white without writing. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Pleated black pants: (No “Dickies”) worn waist high, with a black belt. Name-tag buckles are not allowed. No sweatpants, no joggers allowed.
Red Tie: Worn tight and comfortably beneath the collar.
Black Blazers: must be worn at all times while in the hallways and areas visible outside of the classroom environment. All Blazers are required to be in wearable (no holes or rips) condition and to have all the buttons secured.
Shoes/Socks/Belt: All should be Black. No design, writing, or logos
White Blouse: Buttoned from bottom to top tucked in neatly. No long sleeved, colored garments should be worn under the short sleeved shirts. All undershirts should be white without writing. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Black Pants/Skirt or Skort: (No “Dickies”) worn waist high, with a black belt. Name-tag buckles are not allowed. No sweatpants, no joggers allowed.
Red Cross Tie: Worn tight and comfortably beneath the collar.
Black Cardigan: must be worn at all times while in the hallways and areas visible outside of the classroom environment. All Cardigan are required to be in wearable (no holes or rips) condition and to have all the buttons secured.
Shoes/Socks/Belt: All should be Black. No design, writing, or logos
Students may only wear metal knob earrings no larger than a pencil eraser, watches on their wrists, and prescription glasses as an accessory to their uniform. No bracelets, rings, necklaces, or diamonds are permitted.
Backpacks are not permitted to be carried between classes. Coats, phones, and backpacks must be put in lockers upon arrival at school.
Students wishing to wear clothing observing their religion must submit a written request from their parent/guardian before the first day of school.
Middle School Dress Code
White Oxford Shirt: Buttoned from bottom to top button, tucked in neatly. No long sleeved, colored garments should be worn under the shirts. All undershirts should be white without writing. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Pleated Black pants: (No “Dickies”) worn waist high, with a black belt. Name-tag buckles are not allowed. No sweatpants, no joggers allowed.
Black Tie: Worn tight and comfortably beneath the collar.
Red Sleeveless Vneck Vest: Must be worn at all times while in the hallways and areas visible outside of the classroom environment. All vest are required to be in wearable (no holes or rips) condition and to have all the buttons secured.
Shoes/Socks/Belt: All should be Black. No design, writing, or logos
Girls must wear the following items that can be purchased from a local vendor or department store.
White Blouse: Buttoned from bottom to top tucked in neatly. No long sleeved, colored garments should be worn under the short sleeved shirts. All undershirts should be white without writing. Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
Black Pants/Skirt or Skort: (No “Dickies”) worn waist high, with a black belt. Name-tag buckles are not allowed. No sweatpants, no joggers allowed
Black Cross Tie: Worn tight and comfortably beneath the collar.
Red Cardigan: must be worn at all times while in the hallways and areas visible outside of the classroom environment. All Cardigans are required to be in wearable (no holes or rips) condition and to have all the buttons secured.
Shoes/Socks/Belt: All should be Black. No design, writing, or logos